Direct Access to iCloud Drive - Easily backup and share files on your iCloud drive directly through ACDSee.Easy-Select Tabs - Select or deselect multiple folders and subfolders using the Easy-Select Tabs along your file tree.Improved Browser History Support - Hold down the Back button to view a list of your Recently Browsed Folders.Identify individual images for further processing with customizable color labels and visual tags. Organize your collection, find duplicates to save space, view and edit EXIF and IPTC information, and embed your own metadata. Sort by date, rate images to keep track of your best work, and set categories and keywords using the method that works for you. Make your own photography workflow rules with extensive tools for moving, finding, sorting, and sharing. Faster launching, browsing, scrolling, and searching, sleek organizational tools, customizable batch operations, RAW support for over 550 camera models, and a full toolkit of non-destructive adjustments make ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac 6 your go-to digital photography resource.
Take control of your collection with one-click searches, drag and drop searching, and saved searches, all with the convenience of import-free access to your images. Harness the beauty of your images with one of the speediest digital asset managers and RAW processors on the platform, ACDSee Photo Studio.